How to Proxri More

… for Intro to ProxThink

ContextBefore you begin this page…

Your Options to Proxri More

As discussed in Here's Your Onramp, to proxri more money, you have options (with two exceptions, described in item one below). To proxri more with non-financial proxri, use option three. You can of course combine financial and non-financial proxri. For all options below, as a reminder, considering the other party’s circumstances is part of the proxri process, so here are my circumstances. Here are your four options to proxri more, which are Financial and in Multiples of $40; Financial and Flexible; Non-Financial; and a Combination:

  1. Financial and in Multiples of $40 … You can use this option ONLY IF you live in the United States or Canada (if you live elsewhere, due to sales tax issues, you must use option two below). ALSO, you can use this option ONLY IF you did NOT add a $40 Proxri More item to your cart during your initial checkout for the Intro to ProxThink course (if you did add it, use option two below)If you've already enrolled in the full course (and did NOT proxri more during checkout), you can check out with ONLY this Proxri More item by using the link at the end of this paragraph. When doing so, you can increase the quantity to check out with MULTIPLES of $40, allowing you to increase your total financial proxri. To proxri more now for $40 or multiples of $40CLICK/TAP HERE.

    • If you live outside of the United States or Canada, you MUST use option two below due to sales tax issues. 
    • During checkout, next to the word "Quantity," if you hover over the little round info icon, it states you'll get a link to enroll, but since this item is not a course, it does not apply
    • If you check out with only this Proxri More item (by using the highlighted link above), below are some suggested amounts, and the related number you'll need to enter as your quantity. There is no maximum suggested proxri, since for some people, the value of this course could be very large.

      Suggestions Quantity to Enter Resulting Amount
      Minimum 1 $40
      Moderate - C 2 $80
      Moderate - B 4 $160
      Moderate - A 7 $280
      High - C 12 $480
      High - B 24 $960
      High - A 49 $1,960
      Maximum Unlimited N.A.

  2. Financial and Flexible … To proxri more with a FLEXIBLE AMOUNT via the Patreon platform (related to sales taxes, this option works no matter where you live), CLICK/TAP HERE.

    Notes: With this option, you can proxri more in a flexible way via our Enjoying SustaVariety membership community, which is on the Patreon platform. With membership, you'll get additional member benefits related to your tier level (except for the Sustaining tiers, which are flex tiers, so anyone on any Sustaining tier is eligible for the same benefits). Additionally, you'll have options for asking questions and getting support for the course and course content, as well as discussing things related to the course and course content in online sessions (see Next Step Groups). As you proxri more, you'll be in one of two groups: 
    • If you're currently a "free" (proxri requested) member, you'll need to upgrade to a money proxri tier. 
    • If you're already a money proxri member, you can move to a higher tier (for a length of time of your choice). If the full jump to a higher tier is too much, you can also add something to your current monthly amount and stay on the same tier.

  3. Non-Financial … To proxri more in NON-FINANCIAL ways, see the notes below.

    Notes: Non-financial proxri are limited only by your imagination. As far as suggestions for your non-financial proxri, in addition to telling people about this course and about SustaVariety, here are a few other non-financial ways you might proxri: writing a review of the course or giving feedback, subscribing on YouTube, liking on Facebook, referrals, networking, collaborations, trying some of the groups and projects mentioned at, as well as exploring and sharing some of our other services (events, collaboration/coaching, idea sessions, speaking, consulting). A few more suggestions for non-financial proxri are here, where you can also contact me to tell me about your non-financial proxri.

  4. Combination … You can of course COMBINE the previous three options, in any combination

Thank you so much for considering additional proxri! This is a new way of doing things. But in a connected world, I believe it makes more sense, and can create more sustainable proximities as well as enable people to enjoy more SustaVariety

Thanks again,
David Loughry